Monday, October 13, 2008

Visiting Jesus in Prison

On Sunday, October 5, a group of ACF children and their parents had the great privilege of "visiting Jesus" in prison through the Kairos Prison Ministry. Kiddos baked over 200 dozen cookies and made around 100 encouraging placemats for incarcerated men needing a touch from God. Here is what Kairos volunteer, Pete Inman said about the day...
"Although the Kairos (Ki-Ros) Prison Ministry is accustomed to sharing God's light, experiencing the love of God through the kids and parents at ACF was a truly unique joy. At ACF, after sharing how, why, and where the Kairos Ministry works, it was inspirational to see how the young audience immediately grasped the importance of "visiting" Jesus in prison. Without question, it is a key obligation of the church (after all, WE are the church!)"
If you are interested in taking the love of Jesus into prisons, there are numerous ways to get involved! Please contact Pete Inman for more information ( or 826-8229).
Personally, my favorite moment of the serving event came when the kiddos prayed over the cookies and placemats and believed in faith that God was going to move among their drawings and encouraging words! I noticed one placemat, from a sweet eight year old, reading, "Love has found you. Don't give up."
Thank You, Father that you are already stirring the hearts of our kids at ACF and helping them to see men and women in prison as you see them rather than how our society sees them. May they continue to have sensitive, fragile, pure hearts that love as You love.

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